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Active filter: Book: Acts (x)
, Date:
Pastor Stephen Collins (4),
Jacob Phillips (3),
Mark Drost (2),
Wade Bass (1),
Jasper Raynor (1),
Bishop Barry Sutton (1).
Sermons (12)
Cut the Ropes |
October 3, 2021 | Wade Bass | Acts 27:21-32 |
From Sheep to Warriors |
June 6, 2021 | Mark Drost | Acts 6:5-8 |
If a Tree Falls In The Forest With No One There Does It Make a Sound? |
April 7, 2021 | Jacob Phillips | Acts 4:31 |
Saints of an Immediate Response |
March 24, 2021 | Jacob Phillips | Acts 16:9-10 |
Contagious |
March 14, 2021 | Jacob Phillips | Acts 2:38-41 |
A Fate Worse Than Death |
January 13, 2021 | Pastor Stephen Collins | Acts 1:15-20 |
Committed Unto the Sea |
October 18, 2020 | Pastor Stephen Collins | Acts 27:37-44 |
How to survive a storm |
September 30, 2020 | Pastor Stephen Collins | Acts 27:1-15 |
The Secret Within The Apostles |
September 25, 2020 | Jasper Raynor | Acts 19:11-1 |
The Wait is Over |
June 7, 2020 | Mark Drost | Acts 1:4-8 |
March 24, 2020 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Acts 16:9-10 |
Giving Purpose To Power |
March 8, 2020 | Pastor Stephen Collins | Acts 1:8 |