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Active filter: Book: Colossians (x) , Date
Preacher: Bishop Barry Sutton (28), Cliff Collins (1).
Book: Colossians (29), 1 John (1).
Service: Midweek Service (12), Sunday Morning (12), Sunday Evening (5).
Date: July (5), August (4), September (6), October (9), November (5)

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Sermons (29)

I Want God in My House
November 16, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 4:15
Traveling Together With the Church
November 12, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 4:10-18
The Culture of the Church
November 5, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 4:5-18
Prayer Opens the Door
November 2, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 4:2-3
Say Amen to the Word
November 2, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:18-4:1
Husbands, Love Your Wives
October 26, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:18-21
Wives, Submit Yourselves
October 22, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:18-21
Revelation of the Name
October 19, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:17
A Song In Your Life
October 15, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:16
Let the Word of Christ Dwell In You Richly
October 12, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:16
Let the Peace of God Rule
October 8, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:15
Set Your Affections On Things Above
October 5, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:1-2
Finding and Livivng Our New Nature
October 5, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:1-15
Checking Your Spiritual Pulse
October 1, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:5-12
Walking in the Spirit Pt. II
September 28, 2014 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Colossians 3:1-2

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