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Active filter: Book: John (x) , Date
Series: *Uncategorized (10), Spanish Service (1).
Service: Midweek Service (5), Sunday Morning (4), Sunday Evening (2).
Date: 2004 (1), 2005 (1), 2006 (2), 2007 (2), 2008 (3), 2009 (2)

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Sermons (11)

What Kind of Love
September 13, 2009 | Dawson Sutton | John 15:10-13
It's Not My Will to Stay This Way
March 1, 2009 | Gary Ellis Sr. | John 7:14
The Currency of the Kingdom
February 27, 2008 | Larry Booker | John 2:1-11
God Shall Provide
February 14, 2008 | Marrell Cornwell | John 6:1-2
Three Miracles and Two Sermons
February 13, 2008 | Marrell Cornwell | John 5:39
True Worship
October 17, 2007 | Jeremy Wilbanks | John 4:6-24
No Excuses Please
October 14, 2007 | David Smith | John 5:1-7
What Would Mary Say
May 14, 2006 | Darryl Freeman | John 2:1-5
Take Away the Stone
March 18, 2006 | Steven Drost | John 11:38-44
Silencing Haman
July 3, 2005 | Bishop Barry Sutton | John 20:29
God Has a Plan for You
December 5, 2004 | Darryl Freeman | John 1:40-42

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