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Sermons (170)

It's New Wine
December 13, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Matthew 9:10-14
Healing by God's Authority
November 29, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Matthew 7:1-29
Be Still and Know
November 22, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Matthew 6:1
Becoming Light and Salt
November 15, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Matthew 5:13-16
The Name Above Every Name
November 8, 2009 | Talmadge French | Philippians 2:9
One Living God
November 1, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Matthew 4:12
Looking for a City
October 25, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Hebrews 11:10
The Alignment of Heaven and Earth
October 11, 2009 | Steve Pixler | Ephesians 1:9-10
We Are the Hope of the World
September 27, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Malachi 1:11-15
Come and Go Away With Me
September 13, 2009 | Reggie Smith | Song of Solomon 2:8
A Passionate Response
September 6, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton |
The Flow of God's Prophecy
August 30, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Zechariah 12:1
Put Sin Packing
August 23, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Zechariah 5:1-11
The Anointing Destroys the Yoke
August 16, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Zechariah 4:1
I Will Build Your House
August 2, 2009 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Haggai 1:1

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