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Book: Genesis (2), Exodus (1), Deuteronomy (2), 1 Kings (2), Ezra (1), Psalm (2), Isaiah (29), Jeremiah (6), Jonah (1), Matthew (2), Mark (1), Luke (1), John (3), Acts (5), 1 Corinthians (2), Ephesians (1), 1 Timothy (1), 3 John (1).
Service: Midweek Service (38), Sunday Morning (19), Sunday Evening (13), Special event (9), Youth Service (1).
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Sermons (80)

Passing the Apostolic Torch
December 30, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Ezra 5:11
Holy Ghost Riot
December 28, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Acts 17:1-18
Being Led of the Spirit
December 17, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Acts 13:1
The Very Best Gift
December 14, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Jeremiah 3:16
An Apostolic Culture Pt. V
December 10, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Acts 12:1-5
An Apostolic Culture Pt. IV
December 3, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Acts 11:1-18
An Apostolic Culture Pt. III
November 25, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton |
An Apostolic Church Pt. II
November 19, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton |
An Apostolic Culture Pt. I
November 12, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Acts 6:8
Fellowship in the Kingdom
October 29, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Jeremiah 2:10-13
The Apostles' Doctrine
October 22, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Jeremiah 2:24
Seed After Its Kind
October 15, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Jeremiah 2:10-32
Be Relentless
August 20, 2008 | Bishop Barry Sutton | Jeremiah 1:4-10
When Revival Becomes Reality
August 13, 2008 | Reggie Smith | Psalm 126:1-6
Out of the Dry Place, Into the Deep
August 3, 2008 | Robert Costa | Genesis 1:1-4

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