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Book: James (
Sermons (32)
Effectual Fervent Prayer |
June 4, 2023 | Bro. Taylor Fish | James 5:16-20 |
The Paradox of Making and Keeping Peace |
October 30, 2022 | Pastor Stephen Collins | James 3:13-18 |
Operating Between the Numbers |
January 30, 2022 | Jermaine Ervin | James 4:14 |
Faith Leads to Action |
September 27, 2020 | Curtis Noland | James 2:20 |
God's Universal Plan for the World |
August 28, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 5:19-20 |
Because of Prayer |
August 24, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 5:16-18 |
The Miraculous and the Natural |
August 17, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 5:13-16 |
We Are God's Vineyard |
August 14, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 5:7-9 |
Salt in the Stew |
August 14, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 5:9-12 |
Patient in Process |
August 7, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 5:7-8 |
Numbering Our Days |
July 31, 2016 | Ari Prado | Psalm 90:12 |
Biblical Perspective On Wealth |
July 20, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 5:1-6 |
Hubristic Presumption |
July 17, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 4:13-17 |
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil |
July 17, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 4:11-12 |
Draw Nigh to God |
July 13, 2016 | Bishop Barry Sutton | James 4:6-10 |