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Active filter: Preacher: Sam Emory (x)
Book: Isaiah (1), Luke (1), 1 Timothy (1).
Service: Special event (16), Midweek Service (2), Sunday Morning (1).
Date: 2004 (2), 2006 (5), 2007 (2), 2008 (4), 2010 (3), 2011 (2), 2012 (1)

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Sermons (19)

It Is Time to Engage the Enemy
November 20, 2012 | Sam Emory | Luke 14:28-32
ARC 2011 - 5/9
July 7, 2011 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2011 - 1/9
July 6, 2011 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2010 - 10/10
July 9, 2010 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2010 - 6/10
July 8, 2010 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2010 - 2/10
July 7, 2010 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2008 - 8/9
July 25, 2008 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2008 - 6/9
July 24, 2008 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2008 - 2/9
July 23, 2008 | Sam Emory |
The Mediator
March 26, 2008 | Sam Emory | 1 Timothy 2:5
ARC 2007 - 8/11
July 13, 2007 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2007 - 4/11
July 12, 2007 | Sam Emory |
Call On Him While He Is Near
July 16, 2006 | Sam Emory | Isaiah 55:6
ARC 2006 - 11/11
July 14, 2006 | Sam Emory |
ARC 2006 - 7/11
July 13, 2006 | Sam Emory |

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