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Bishop Barry Sutton (1641),
Pastor Stephen Collins (357),
Jacob Phillips (59),
Jermaine Ervin (52),
Ari Prado (48),
Daughters of the King (44),
Zach Wells (41),
Larry Booker (37),
Marrell Cornwell (31),
Mark Drost (26),
Dannie Hood (24),
Gary Ellis Sr. (21),
Darryl Freeman (21),
Daniel Blash (20),
Nathaniel Wilson (20),
Dawson Sutton (19),
Antwon Ervin (19),
Sam Emory (19),
Isaiah Dunn (18),
Wade Bass (18),
Greg Godwin (18),
Nathaniel Urshan (14),
Steven Drost (12),
Myles Young (12),
Timothy Lee (12),
Vasilli Rogatch (12),
Rigo Martinez (12),
Jeremy Wilbanks (11),
Jonathan Suber (11),
Tyler Harris (10),
Randy Williams (10),
Evan Hood (10),
Adrian Isbell (10),
Reggie Smith (10),
Cody Marks (8),
Keith Clark (8),
Kelly Howard (8),
Cordarius Witherspoon (7),
Cornelius Williams (7),
David Smith (7),
Tim King (7),
Beth Baus (6),
Franco Platania (6),
Doug Walker (5),
Jonathan Shoemake (5),
Justin Poindexter (5),
Jason Carr (5),
Phillip Endris (5),
Kevin Prince (4),
Julio May (4),
Jesse Galindo (4),
Bradley Smith (4),
Talmadge French (4),
Steve Pixler (4),
Worship Team (4),
Gary Ellis Jr. (4),
Juan Nunez (3),
Justin Simoneaux (3),
Devon Mills (3),
Jerry Rowley (3),
John Wolfram (3),
Robert Costa (3),
Daniel Davy (3),
David Moore (3),
Jerry Holland (3),
Jeff Arnold (3),
Tom Foster (3),
Nathan Harris (2),
Joe Rowley (2),
Adam and Karissa King (2),
Douglas Walker (2),
Daniel Mcdonald (2),
Raul Alvear Jr. (2),
Joel Booker (2),
Cliff Collins (2),
Tim Hadden (2),
Joel Buxton (2),
Tony Spell (2),
Steve Buxton (2),
Daniel Walter (2),
B-Team (2),
Doug White (2),
James Jackson (2),
Jonathan Stringfellow (2),
Tim Simoneaux (2),
Curtis Young (2),
Ron Libby (2),
Micah Sutton (2),
Zach Ratliff (1),
Angel Aureoles (1),
Fernanado Cardenas (1),
Missionary Peyton Bradford (1),
Justin Simoneaux (1),
Bro. Micah Pierce (1),
Bro Juan Nunez (1),
Donny Willis (1),
Sis. Medley Bokun (1),
Bro. Taylor Fish (1),
Bro. Raul Alvear (1),
Curtis Noland (1),
Jasper Raynor (1),
Phillip Booker (1),
Matt Wood (1),
Christina Stephenson (1),
Matt Stephenson (1),
Tristan Hood (1),
Adam King (1),
Karissa King (1),
Marrell Cornell (1),
Wesley Jackson (1),
Brian Shell (1),
James Williams (1),
Perry Wells (1),
John Hemus (1),
Patrick Wallerson (1),
William Turner (1),
James Corbin (1),
Sammy Sherrill (1),
Antonio Marquez (1),
J.R. Black (1),
Nathaniel Haney (1),
Robert McFarland (1),
Chester Terry (1),
Eugene Banez (1),
Lloyd Duke (1),
Tim McCrury (1),
Johnny Hagadorn (1).
Genesis (129),
Exodus (91),
Leviticus (19),
Numbers (29),
Deuteronomy (55),
Joshua (24),
Judges (30),
Ruth (7),
1 Samuel (79),
2 Samuel (40),
1 Kings (54),
2 Kings (58),
1 Chronicles (7),
2 Chronicles (13),
Ezra (9),
Nehemiah (18),
Esther (5),
Job (26),
Psalm (314),
Proverbs (43),
Ecclesiastes (20),
Song of Solomon (4),
Isaiah (89),
Jeremiah (22),
Lamentations (2),
Ezekiel (37),
Daniel (25),
Hosea (5),
Joel (10),
Amos (1),
Obadiah (1),
Jonah (5),
Micah (5),
Nahum (2),
Habakkuk (2),
Zephaniah (6),
Haggai (1),
Zechariah (10),
Malachi (8),
Matthew (128),
Mark (66),
Luke (82),
John (92),
Acts (104),
Romans (58),
1 Corinthians (65),
2 Corinthians (42),
Galatians (22),
Ephesians (79),
Philippians (32),
Colossians (31),
1 Thessalonians (33),
2 Thessalonians (12),
1 Timothy (26),
2 Timothy (22),
Titus (11),
Philemon (1),
Hebrews (90),
James (32),
1 Peter (34),
2 Peter (15),
1 John (21),
2 John (4),
3 John (2),
Jude (6),
Revelation (54).
Challenge Week 2023 (1),
2023 Hope Corps Graduation (1),
Single Parent Seminar (1),
Deaf Conference (2),
Communion Service (2),
Funeral (1),
Spiritual Intelligence (4),
Youth Service (4),
Young Married's Presentations (4),
Sunday Service (491),
Wednesday Night (232),
Evangalist/Special Speaker (27),
Power To Become (25),
Daughters of the King (43),
Spanish Service (9),
*Uncategorized (1894),
Bible Study - Radio (41),
Seminar (24),
Alabama Revival Conference (76),
Bible Study - Chinese (12),
Bible Study - Russian (12),
Bible Study - Spanish (12),
Cornwell Bible Study (15).
Sunday Morning (957),
Midweek Service (945),
Sunday Evening (733),
Special event (251),
Youth Service (25),
Seminar (22),
Service's name (1).